Thursday 10 January 2013

Christopher Nolan is cooking something mind-boggling….

A big hello fellas and great news that Christopher Nolan is up with something very mind blasting, mind scratching and mind-boggling piece of his art. Once “Man of Steel” is done Christopher was supposed to make Transcendence; however, the news is there that again his brother Jonathan Nolan has written something extra ordinary and brothers will come again to blast Hollywood. They are going to work on movie named “Interstellar”, which was supposed to be directed by Steven Spielberg. Now Nolan brothers are going to make it together, but Steven Spielberg may take involvement in it as his latest project Robopocalypse has been delayed due to expensive budget and incomplete script. Interstellar’s story will revolve around physicists, wormholes, time-travelling and alternate dimension. It’s damn exciting and giving me goose bumps from now. Just imagine guys that how brain-scratching, mind twisting and killing it will be!!!! Christopher Nolan can do unbelievable things with this kind of concept. Christopher Nolan rocks and Interstellar will make a huge blast.

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